If you can`t see a menu on the left side, please click here.
Now we don´t want our competitives making needless sharper than they are ...
scientific solved contribute to the IT Security concept of Gooken in conjunction with timeless independancy from computer-systems
Gooken provides 1000% IT-security: Just follow these green hooks!
Miro-Suneater desktop-wallpaper: download for free
Photo: Gooken-Webcrawler out of the comfortable Gooken-Control-Center out of the menu items "edit or delete URLs, charts, crawler, verify URLs, field-correcture, protection and logout", programmed and © by Gooken. From this time when making the snapshot, using the manual- and auto-mode of the webcrawler, the amount of Gooken´s stored records increased from around 60.000 to more than 200.000. As shown, many options are included, while an infinite amount is still thinkable (if you tell us, which...). Although the webcrawler can be used 24 hours day by day, Gooken uses its manual- and auto-mode (with actual up to around 150 new records per second) actually only from time to time.
Surfing with the anonymous ssl-proxy of Gooken
ISO CentOS 6.8 (el6)
Nearby Countries
Scientificlinux 6 (CentOS 6) el6: el6.1 - el6.9
[DIR] 6.0/ 03-Mar-2011 10:23 -
[DIR] 6.1/ 28-Jul-2011 11:18-
[DIR] 6.2/ 07-Feb-2012 14:00
[DIR] 6.3/ 26-Jul-2012 09:10
[DIR] 6.4/ 25-Mar-2013 11:35
[DIR] 6.5/ 22-Jan-2014 11:10
[DIR] 6.6/ 06-Nov-2014 09:49
[DIR] 6.7/ 20-Aug-2015 10:36
[DIR] 6.8/ 08-Jul-2016 16:33
[DIR] 6.9/ 11-Apr-2017 9:30
[DIR] 6/ 15-Jul-2016 09:49
[DIR] 6rolling/ 18-Dec-2013 15:56
[DIR] 6x/ 15-Jul-2016 09:49
Daily udpates for Fedora, CentOS (el6, el7), RedHat (el6, el7), SuSE, slackware and more: http://www.pro-linux.de/sicherheit/1/1/1.html
Update-Sources for mdv and many other distributions: Enterprise Linux (el6), ROSA (rosa2014.1) and more
Fedora Rawhide (fc26)
Fedora 25
Fedora 25 updates
Fedora 24 updates
Fedora 23 updates
PCLinuxOS2017 (pclos2017)
Slackware64-14.2 (many actual updates for el6)
Welcome to ELRepo, an RPM repository for Enterprise Linux packages. ELRepo supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and its derivatives (Scientific Linux, CentOS &others). The ELRepo Project focuses on hardware related packages to enhance your experience with Enterprise Linux. This includes filesystem drivers, graphics drivers, network drivers, sound drivers, webcam and video drivers.
Sourceforge by rpmfind.net
PCLinuxOS 2017 on nluug.nl
PCLinuxOS 2017 on pbone.net
Various Linux-Distributions on nluug.nl
rosa2018.1 MAIN - repository - updates (up to now)
rosa2018.1 MAIN - contrib - updates (up to now)
rosa2016.1 MAIN - repository - updates (up to now)
rosa2016.1 MAIN - contrib - updates (up to now)
rosa2014.1 MAIN - repository - updates (up to now)
rosa2014.1 MAIN - contrib - updates (up to now)
rosa2014.1 MAIN - repository release
rosa2012.1 MAIN -repository updates ("mdv2012.1")
rosa2014.1 - CONTRIB repository updates ("mdv2012.1")
Mandriva devel cooker (Mandriva 2012)
Mandriva 2011
Mandriva 2010.1
Mandriva 2010.0
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_9 (el6)
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_8 (el6)
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_7 (el6)
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_6 (el6)
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_5 (el6)
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_4 (el6)
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_3 (el6)
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_2 (el6)
ISOs Scientific Linux sc6_1 (el6)
Updates Scientificlinux el6 and sl6 (RedHat) from Halifax, Aachen, RWTH
Updates CentOS 6.9
Updates CentOS 6.1-6.8 (el6, 1th up to 8th revision CentOS el6 source packages)
Updates CentOS 6.7 (el6, 7th revision) - listing from pbone.net form 10.11.2015,
Updates CentOS 6 (6.7, el6, 8th revision), seit 2016 Bestandteil von siehe CentOS 6.8 (1),
Updates CentOS 6 (el6.8, 8th revision), seit 2016 Bestandteil von siehe CentOS 6.8 (2),
Updates CentOS 6 (6.8, el6)
Updates CentOS 6 (6.8, el6), pkgs.org
EPEL (el6), pkgs.org
DAG packages for Red Hat Linux el6 x86_6 (el6: el6.rf), fr2.rpmfind.net
Nux! (el6.nux)
Atrpms - sl6 (el6)- elder Updates ( except perl (el6) and atrpms (el6) and the many elder ones)
Updates Russian Fedora Free Updates (el6.R) - listing from pkgs.org, Our Tip: FROM el6.R take as much as you can: rpm, freetype, cairo, ..., krusader, ..., ...!
more updates CentOS 6, EPEL-6-el6-testing packages
more updates CentOS 6, zmrepo-el6- packages
atrpms el6 stable
atrpms el6 testing
RPM de Remix enterprise 6 (el6.remi)
Ghettoforge (el6.gf)
Cert Forensics Tools from Certforensics.org for CENTOS 6 (el6)
EPEL 6 (el6, Fedoraproject.org)
NauLinux (el6)
NUX desktop (el6) - li.nux.ro
Psychotic Ninja (el6)
Rpmfusion.org (el6)
University Chemnitz / Universitätsrechenzentrum Chemnitz: Repoforge (el6.rf)
Extras Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 for x86_64 - el6 - 14.486 extra packages with updates
Updates Rosa2014.1, pkgs.org
Updates CentOS 7, pkgs.org
OpenSuSE: CentOS 6
pclinuxos ( pclos, eventually for el6, el7 too)
Gentoo Security Updates List: GLSA from Gentoo.org
... for creating "Universal-Linux", from Gooken, universal-linux.php.
100% anonymous
From this server (web239.serverdrome.eu): For the use of services from Serverdrome, an amount has to be paid. If you want to offer anonymizing proxy services for other users by yourself instead, you can download the underlying PHP-Script from Abdullah Arif or our script for anonymous proxy-stations either up gratis from our download-section (web239.serverdrome.eu) or in convenience
anonymized IP and DNS
continuous ssl-(https:) encryption, base-64 and rotate-13
no storages of any kind of data guaranteed (except administration data for the user accounts)
200 MB per user
fast side built-up (500 user max.)
free adjustable: includes a form-Tag in order to include the mini URL-form on every page, remove_scripts to remove client-side scripting (e.g. JavaScript), accept_cookies to allow cookies to be stored, show_images to show images on browsed pages, show_referrer to show actual referring website, rotate13 use ROT13 encoding on the address, base64_encode use base64 encoding on the address, strip_meta information tags from pages, strip_title to strip page title, session_cookies to store cookies for this session only
To hide even your useragent specification, for many Browser like Firefox, Galeon and Konqueror you just have to type "about:config" into the address-field and to set general.useragent.overwrite or general.useragent.override to any value (we recommend none, no value at all). Maybe it is sufficient to set general.useragent.locale. If this is not possible for your browser, you can use netfilter like privoxy instead
screenshot anonymous ssl-proxy
Proxy-Login: Anonymous ssl-Proxy 30 days for 10€ by Gooken
Order the Login-Data 30 days for only 10 Euro
Alternatively we offer an anonymizing proxy without ssl-encryption but for free, regardless from bandwidth but restricted capacities for downloads from this server, that is blocking all scripts including dangerous for tracking by choosing the option "remove scripts":
(Proxy 2 - rotate13 - base 64 - nonssl- for free)
Computer manual
Move to the always up-to-date "Universal-Linux" out of fc, CentOS 6, CentOS 7, rosa2014.1 and more with update-guarantee from year 2010 up to 2020 and longer
Actual Konqueror-Update (el6, around 25 MB, 11.05.2016) packed by Gooken
Konqueror: effective ad-blocking-list for adblocker like ublock-origin, ABP and especially into the already integrated adblocker of konqueror / hochwirksame Liste für den Import in adblocker wie ublock-origin, ABP (AdblockPlus) und insbesonders in den in Konqueror bereits fest integrierten Werbefilter (rpm konq-plugins bzw.konqueror-plugins ) von Gooken / adblocker list (most effective) for the import into Konqueror´s adblocker by Gooken: please click here. / Importierbare Blockliste für den in Konqueror integrierten Werberfilter von Gooken, hier klicken! Weitere Elemente lassen sich beim Konqueror jederzeit online (auch direkt vor Ort) mit dem Druck auf "blockierbare und geblockte Seitenbestandteile auflisten" erkenntlich machen, einfügen und aufheben.
Save time, follow the change of ineffective, abstract IT-security elder days (Kersten, "Sicherheit in der Informationsverarbeitung", 2. Auflage from year 1995) into the norms keeping and prototype-based one, that on its basement upon open source is reaching the detail (53 sides)
including both, step 1 " Basic"and 2 "Enhanced security level", with the theory of IT Security , component description of the basic level and all essential substeps to reach higher security levels
for all operating- and computer-systems
100% IT-Security within concept: together with checklist all steps to reach a sufficient IT-Security-Level
surface covering
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2006 by Gooken
addition and summary of pdf IT-Security with the several hundert significant points to determine the IT-Security-Level in a quick way (42 sides)
pdf referring to all computer-systems and platforms
its covering concept includes filter-concepts on already built-up and therefore open connections
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2006-2015 by Gooken
Short-Reference typical System-(Security-)Commands
overview of typical System-Commands to complete resp. increase the IS security-level (26 sides)
All security-commands are marked in the color of Gooken
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2009 by Gooken
Internet Search Engine (PHP, full featured) with optional metasearch support
Like the famous game of goals - points - championship (including yellow and red cards), but in easy understandable, short formulated search-engine-code (optimized PHP resp. PHP-MySQL): with intern side ranking by optional CTR (amount of mouseclicks onto the URL-hyperlinks) and/or/in addition by suggested (visible) hyperlinks resp. sides
SQL: standard database query language with consistent mysqli-API, low search times (< 1 or 2 sec. for a quit infinite amount of records), standard interface for integration into anywhere, high popularity
PHP-MySQL based Gooken can work decentral, central, parallel, local or be provided by webhoster, as much meta-searching as upon local databases or both like metasearch and databasis as pregiven. For we authorized normed search engine code, metasearch almost remains independent from technical changes of the other queried search engines. So the time for maintenance is kept at min. So the time for maintenance is kept at min and any search engine of the world can be queried by Gooken´s metasearch within some minutes configuration time only.
Growing local database by common search requests (metasearch), Gooken-webcrawler, single entering within the Gooken-control-center and the possible bounding into other meta-search-engines. Last fact can be achieved by taking needed GET-transformed paramters out of the browser address line into any other metasearch-engines.
Zip-archive for all platforms (Windows, MAC, Unix, all distribution) in 1 MiB only, main file (for searches and adjustments resp. index-images, index-videos, index-addresses and index-webdirectory ) around 70 KB, crawler around 70 KB and language files beneath files for other purposes resp. Unix noarch rpm in 410,5 KB and src rpm in 649.9 KB (... minus (!) around 100 up to 150 KB for image files and some special files, more or less just duplicates: 241.4 KB ZIP, SEO-like 100 KB rpm and 141 KB src only)
index websites, documents, images, videos and/or addresses, search for them by text-, image-, video- and address search and/or use categories to store them into a separate webdirectory
anonymous meta-search support by other search engines, quit any you like: index websites, documents, images and videos based upon your own database, upon meta-searches or both
Plan your distributed Gooken-network: You can integrate Gooken into your menu resp. websites directly. If you also should have installed our search engine, resulting distributed SQL-databases can learn from each other by exchanging their information from all over the net! To achieve this, you just have to add one more "Gooken" to your meta-search-engines and choose the meta-search-engines in the section for the settings from the other side, although Gooken can not give you any gurantee for functionality!
Help your visitors on their way to all of your information! Store websites and websites together with their HTML jump-marks over belonging title, keywords and description. So consider the prototypical search engine as your glossary for websites, images, video, directories, CD/DVD and so on ... . Also keep addresses including an address-, phone- and email-directory and a control center out of
, url-validation resp. SEO-pointing and ranking resp. charts for websites, adsides and keywords as much as an automatically and manually kept referee resp. IP-blacklist-management as much as the section for the edit and deletion of records stored within the database
Additionaly you can order the belonging built-up MySQL-database of actually more than 100.000 indexed records in English and German language (images and videolinks not included), but the database is filled up with records by metasearch automatically, so that you do not have to care about any records to index!
compact, extendable design
short description for parallelizings
parallelized metasearch, if needed
"weekly-daily-hourly", scan in of a quit infinite amountt of certain websites one can freely enter into a listing, in order to scan them in without repititions like per mouseclick (to be more concrete just by typing a (self determinable) code similar to "sites-scan-in0000CODE1" into Gooken´s search-field; or easy extendable auto-scheduled by date and time
Webcrawler: depth-searches building-up minimal complete multi-way-search-trees upon resources bewaring one and the same indexed file (webside) per depth (resp. level) only in mode edit or mode auto care for the optional
never ending, endloss crawl through the internet.
After many tests, up from the side-begin to its -end, there was not any website, hyperlink and not a single image and video missing, even not those followed by meta-refresh and frames! You can also search for text-passages within side-contexts. In three ways it manages to get the descriptions of the websites, similar to the way for the titles, while all kind of context analyzes still can be added. Notice, that it is possible to use the crawler independent from the search-engine on its own.
Input for the webcrawler is delivered especially by the text-field for the sequential type-in of the URL by URL1, ..., URLn to crawl (where n can be large, if not infinite) as much as by the URL found throught the depth-search over reached layers. If an already found hyperlink is followed, the depth is increasing to one. More options like for concrete word-search and more text-fields specify the crawl right from the beginning.
Webcrawler: Type in as much Input-URL as you can and adjust search-depth like 10 and so on: In our tests, the webcrawler was always reaching the desired total end. So seemed to read everything.
Webcrawler in detail: around 100 K PHP only, scans frames, websites, email-addresses, images, videos and documents with or without belonging categories, even HTML and PHP Meta-refreshes are followed; miniaturized display of each new website found (optional), free from redundance because of URL-reminder, listing of even invalid URL in red font-color; max. search depth: 10, max. sides resp. images: unlimited (values can be set within the source code to any values), option "Domain" for searches on the same server with the hyperlinks referring to one and the same server only or, if deactivated, listing even hyperlinks, that can refer to domain and sides of all server in the web; listing of found documents, automatic insertion either record by record by investigation for missed data in a kind of "endless ) working" (mode auto, 10.000 max by default) or at once by a building-up an editable listing for the insertion of all the records per one mouseclick into the database (mode edit by default); listing: side by side resp. image per number within the listing, hyperlink, the image itself in the case of an image, title, email, keywords and description; you can choose title from original website as much as out of the hyperlink and whenever a description can not be found within the origin document, the one from the hyperlink is taken; ready for the extension for all kind of more context-sensitive analysis, also, for getting a sitemap, it is possible to use the webcrawler independent from the search engine, original correlation bewaring presentation of found images by landscaped and portraited thumbnails, display of meta index-follow characteristics,
see screenshot webcrawler :
You can upload thousands of found PDF-documents, images and other files per one mouseclick into free nameable, separate directories of the webserver (the one with the search engine) under the self-adoption of the origin pathes/URL; all side informations title, author, keywords, description and email are compared pair by pair on their divergence
fast, full-automatic fill-up of the database by modes edit (with the opportunity to correct the records within fields) and auto of the webcrawler (in this case up to search-depth 10 (or more)
Webcrawler in mode edit: listing of found side-information with editable fields like URL, already stored, upload document, index/follow, image of image-files, title, author, e-mail-address, telephone, keywords, description and so on in direct comparison with fields from already documents.
Webcrawler in mode auto lets your computer become a permanent part of the internet. Like the scan-in of TV-programs on frequency sales you can scan in up to a quite unlimited amount of websites (or more) even higher search-depths in their full information without mouseclick, leaving the origin server or not (option domain only). That means, you do not have to be present during the time the webcrawler is crawling (scanning and storing) anonymously through the internet, similar to the edit- resp. listing-mode with their opportunity for single elections by mouseclick and correction of the data to store by keyboard, all without any disturbing characters. Mode auto scans-in either in the short frequency-scaled like form (with ., u for update, i for insert) or explicitly the name of the scanned-in hyperlink
mode auto: far going protection for stored uninformative nonsens
Website-titles are either scanned in from hyperlinks (fast method) or their original sides (slow method), or they are entered directly, author names and their email-addresses origin from Webcrawler, meta-searches and input-forms
The webcrawler is also able to search for any words and texts within documents in both modes displaying their context, either directly (listing such words and texts containing documents only) or in general (by listing all other documents too)
the webcrawler´s extension for quit easy image-pattern-recognition (from images like png or jpg all out of the internet) might be thinkable (although still quit lying in the future)
The tracer of the webcrawler keeps from scanning already scanned sides, while ...
an option for a trace-function of the webcrawler enables to find out the reasons for difficulties in scanning in side-includes (although this case is quit unknown)
DSL-1000: around 50 documents (websites) per second (side with links to original documents) resp. five documents (websites) per second (original documents)
... while the user is enabled to choose options like "no images" as much as "images only"
Blacklist: a) automatically maintained or b) manually in the colors blue for "always allowed" (needed for distributed searches), each green for "noticed" one time, orange(resp. yellow) for blocked (as a result of noticed x times or set manually) and red for "always blocked" (set manually), what might be a result of too many sets to orange.
more security-mechanisms: see php-company-management mycompanies
SEO-friendly by the evaluation of the search engine language resp. meta-tags, direct calls, intern ranking and Charts as much as by possible pageranking through the scan over scanned in (through for short time sequentially called and miniaturized shown) sides and the check of their pagerank by extern scripts
separate chart for the TOP X sides with X = 5, 10, ..., 100, 500, ... up to ALL (sides) for the view of the manager of the search engine resp. the webmaster only; additionally this is possible by including categories
Ranking ("championship") and positioning themselves are played out within the default configuration by primary clicks (onto hyperlinks or "goals") and/or by secundary calls (amount of getting displayed within listings, "points") and/or by PageRank (int. "leagues") through any PHP PR-script (an example script is added), while ad-links primarily follow date, clicks and at last the priority 1 (high) down to 6 (low)
URL-(address)-verification resp. point-system for SEO with optional indication of the PR (pagerank): separate listing for the search and deletion of orphaned (and optionally all searched) entries per mouseclick
The search itself based "logically" upon "AND" on your own database in addition with an optional META-Search upon other search engines with their own database. Results can be stored into the own database - for all kind of searches: text-, image- and video-search
during metasearch, different kind of methods for the registration of title, keywords and description can reduce search-time resp. contribute to more hits
PHP-MySQL makes it possible for one up to thousands of search-engine-db administrators to operate at the same time
This search engine is compatible with all common browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera). No Java, ActiveX or Flash required, even not browser standard JavaScript, just PHP and MySQL
No programming and wizard based interface required
Browser-integrated search by Gooken-Searchplugin (xml): Gooken-Browser-Searchplugin to store within the directory named "searchplugins" below the default-profile-direcotry ( for example, you can save this xml for Firefox under Linux within /home/surfuser/.mozilla/firefox/default-profile-dircetory/searchplugins/)
stable, without any hangups of other search engines (only the bandwidth did not convince at any time ...)
image search with or without meta-search: Once by meta search found images can - depending on the configuration of the search engine - be adopted by URL and uploaded onto the server where the search engine is placed ... or remain on the origin server only
click onto "Term" enables the search by combined terms
your information-center resp. favorites, archives and glossaries (including short descriptions) for the presentation of your full program just freeing capacities from other search engines. This is possible by using it either private through the default menu point "search engine" within the control center or partially private by enhancing the main table with a parameter like private (yes no) according to the SQL- interfaces
modifyable for more databases resp. more database servers than one, for example by distinguishing records from A to Z
with direct (anonymizing) and forwarded ("goaling") hyperlink-structure support (depending on the configuration)
optional with image and video search
count, protocol and/or email clicked hyperlinks in conjunction with the IP and so on (in Gooken all of this is deactivated)
additional meta-search by equal to or even more than one free determinable search engine (optional)
session-ID login based control center by almost default cgi-bin-server (resp. secured directory cgi-bin) for password, open connection, reset of the login-data for webcrawler, edit and delete operations, URL-verficiation resp. for SEO-points and logout
and webcrawler for automatic addition of records
extensive talk: the answers to all the questions- adaptive like a human professor thanks meta-searches over one or more default additional search engines with adjustable self-training level (the amount of indices from which up metasearch is deactivated)
getcha support without dependencies from browser
easy to install and
always refineable
Records are stored within the database out of the form for addurl directly, by sending an email, by the crawler (either in mode auto or mode edit) or by metasearch
Especially the metaseach guarantees search results - depending on the charge of integrated search-engines and metasearch-engines
effective evaluatation upon meta-tags resp. the search engine "language" free extensible for more context analysis through some internal from the webcrawler
for public and private use; private use by localhost (resp. and/or control-center, both by adding a field like private for the main table by adequate modification of the SQL-requests
footing line index to leafing by page for all components including webdirectory
The code for indexed search and adjustments is written within one file only
support of SQL-specific wildcards like % or *, $, !, ... and mathematical logic
achievable secure cgi-bin (or root) based password- and site-protection for password, open connection, reset of the login-data
indexed listing of results in few milliseconds
listing by number and index-footer
easy extensible set of language files, already for German and French. This can be performed language by language by always following the same structure of the mentioned default ones
possible mutation of additional characters from different languages within the main file like already for german and french
with two input fields for refinement of search queries after displaying first results from the origin one
emphasize of corresponding text passages in bold
For the manager of the search engine, stored records can be edited and deleted by typing URL, URL-patterns, titles or descriptions
side-lock during editing (which can be taken out by the webmaster)
All websites are stored not more than one time (without redundancy)
You can open websites anonymously by an anonymous proxy server
three login attempts into the control center (or perform a simple reset in emergency)
with automatically by the search engine itself as much as manually kept IP-blacklist by the control-center; IP are stored during a free determinable period of time
restricted abuse of one and the same user
full automatic as much as manual protection (by control center) through blacklist management for IP and groups of computer resp. subnets by IP with subnet-masks either dependent on periods of time or unristricted
ready for server farms in main by entering more than one host and database (while the code has to be adopted a little bit)
control-center with SESSION-ID based login and adjustable timeout for delete and edit operations, webcrawler, ranking and charts, field-correction, URL-address-verification resp. SEO-pointing and private call of the search engine
conservation of entries in their original form
ready for all charsets depending from the elected language resp. country or not like ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 and UTF-16 (unicode)
query check by length and amount of words
protection against XSS (cross side scripting)
time-management for the case of different user during the same period of time, warning on overload
colored presentation of index and follow attribute of certain meta for your own free choice
invers search on phone number, email-address, address and websites
free configurable timeouts (incl. infinite) for metasearch and webcrawler
error-free, free from viruses, trojans and other malware as all products from Gooken
support of several users at the same time (you can adjust the maximal amount of user for the guarantee of freeness from collision; notice that in case of collision, damage still is restricted by just showing the empty listing with no entries at all until the next request)
Webdirectory: in short form, where categories are chosen from a direct choice menu; it is quit simple to program the explicit form that is reaching over categories and their subcategories
enhanceable to any standard you like
for example
- by creating webdirectories that work upon categories by the default category-id
screenshot text-search
Textsearch with side-screenshots |
term-combination |
video-search |
webdirectory |
webdirectory hits |
address-search |
address-search hits
maps |
webcrawler |
webcrawler image |
webcrawler websites |
webcrawler word- and text-search
webcrawler in the case of already stored information |
webcrawler scanning in mode auto without listing the URL
webcrawler scanning in mode auto with listing the URL |
webcrawler after actication of trace in the case of bad scan-results |
edit and delete |
mode edit |
manual entry
search for invalid entries |
invalid and valid entries |
charts - select |
charts - TOP 5 |
IP-blacklist-management |
If you want to test this search engine, you can use Gooken as one configuration from many more
Alternatively you can integrate Gooken directly into your websites
All products of Gooken except search engine do cost 10 €.
In comparison with many other projects, projects of Gooken do not only have an everlasting character, they also find the very beginning as much as an end, so that in main no upgrades and updates are needed!
2008: gcrsearch (without foot index), 2010: Otello (still without image search, webcrawler, webdirectory and so on), 2011: Gooken
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2008-10.10.2011 by Gooken.de,
Price: according to agreement
Your advertisement for Gooken
For your advertisement for Gooken, please send an e-mail with any kind of hyperlink out of
title (100 characters max.)
keywords (500 characters max.) and
description (1000 characters max.)
mailto: Gooken
durability: 1 year or longer
costs: 10 €
bank account: see impressum or order form
Your advertisement runs with high priority to always get listed on top, displayed either on the left border or merged together with other records (pre-configured is merged)
Your advertisement on our linkside? For bewaring the surface covering security concept running at minimal costs, a single charge has to be paid for the presentation of further advertisement from our linkside
everlasting since computer might run secure © by Gooken
Mycompanies - standard (SQL-based) software for companies
This company management does not know any disadvantages, so get free from: limited possibilites, high acquisition costs, licenses, licence costs, charges forward, intransparency, different needs (requirements), tasks and bad tastes, overwhelming as much as underwelming complexities by inholds and includes, free from upgrades, updates, times for education and school, licence costs, expensive hardware and its running costs, possible lacks in security and (quit) all other cost causings and therefore costs:
Just found your company and login!
... resp. company empire out of several companies: never such easy!
Do not lay most powerful SQL beside (in this case the most popular MySQL)!
SQL: standard database query language with consitent mysqli-API, low search times (< 1 or 2 sec. for a quit infinite amount of records), standard interface for integration into anywhere, high popularity
best fundament for all PHP-MySQL-databasis like medical database (" part of the body (to click) - symptomes - diagnosis - therapy - prevention "), hotel databasis, ticket systems, library (we introduce too) and so on
... by not forgetting your computer´s SQL performances
it is the even more dynamic way to organize and establish your own company upon popular PHP and the Standard Query Language for databases (MySQL) by SQL through PHP (PHP-MySQL)
without licence fees and training costs, reaction delays, essential updates, security lacks, missing important items and points...
compact for the internal and external use: simple interface by present masters for user online-accounts, online-orders and so on
in less than 1 MB ZIP plus 3,4 MB for the optional PHP editor Fckedit (minus around 60% for more or less duplicated files: 300 KB ZIP only for all the thinkable mandators, that means companies)
ZIP-Archive for all operating systems or rpm-installation and source packet for UNIX based systems like Linux
extensive design
self explaining and without larger installation expenditure - except requirement MySQL and a local webserver (almost freeware like XAMPP for both in one resp. separate webserver like Apache with PHP greater or equal to 4 and MySQL)
for all operating systems and platforms, usage within LAN or on your computer localhost (resp.
PHP-MySQL enables operations for one up to thousands of employees to operate upon their company database without risking inconsistency
You can manage not only simple addresses, but also projects and finances, handle orders, care for purchase, stock and personal on different masters by your own efforts for administration up to any departments and an unlimited amount of companies by mandators following ISO 9001:2000
in details discussed departments resp. master for
Personal department
Sales department (with explicit address book)
Stock administration
Finance Accounting in double and simple recording with reminders-system
Secretariat (new: with car pool)
Quality Management
Product and Project Management (including Investment and Factoring)
Real Estate (rental objects, renting additional expenses account)
House technique (with key administration for rooms, real estate properties resp. inventory and with the natural option for the integration of a still not implemented building control station for (audio-/video-)building-safeguardening, heating, air conditioning, lighting and so on)
and therefore the base of full-automatic work of companies (inclusive production by the PHP-interface to UNIX-shell and binaries resp. MS Windows command interface and executables, same for MACOSX
according to ISO 9001:2000, national defaults and standards from universities
optional with partial automated financial accounting: direct accounting for orders and purchases within financial account master
direct accounting of existing customer accounts including accounts payable and debitors within records for accounting within account master and field like (+/-) payment in arrear within customer master
Opporunity for annual closing entries and amortization of the asset capital at period ends under consideration of asset lifes and depreciated values
direct accounting of existing stock accounts within order master and article master
- ... you can expand all accounting from the partial up to a full automated one
evaluation of actual, target and plan data
with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for the layout
all kind of views can be formulated, almost by the rank of the employees
if objects like sides, departments or functions do not belong to your company or if the are generally not needed, it is possible extract them or to collect the needed ones into a new company database
optional support of the PHP Editor FCKedit with all important text overworking functions. This separate PHP-texteditor provides all common functions for text-formatting and -operation, even graphic import (images like jpeg), a separate print function for the integrating single textfield and an additional "save" as opportunity
optional integration of photos for your mandators, customers, personal and articles per link
free grouping of fields through almost used direct access onto the records
with lists, protocol handling, forms, appointment calendars, investment and finance plans, statistic evaluations with all important indices resp. characteristics and diagrams. You can create probably missing ones by following the default-values and integrate any default objects by simple hyperlinks
diagrams can be scaled, configured and fine tuned for any type of browser within the configuration file
The PM and QM also support IT Security based software development and concepts like requirement documentation for requirement engineering, diagrams resp. construction and the standard software development and so on
standard PM and QM in all documents without long introductions
- expandable records in more than total thousand fields
operations to enter, edit (modify), delete, printout and search for records with support of all SQL-commands (within SQL) like join and all kind of queries within CMD resp. konsole mode or XAMPP (phpMyAdmin)
Printouts (printed documents) in general constitution can be created more suitable for the demands of a concrete company through simple HTML and WEB2.0 technology
Fine tuning remains as a question of the own creativity
allround protection by general MySQL password protection, the SESSION-ID based concept for password protected login by almost cgi-bin-server (directory cgi-bin) for password by default, open and closed database-connection each site loaded help to keep from manipulation of the database from the outside, possible reset of the login-data, ssl-encryptable connections to the database(-server), ip-wise regulation of the general access by the configuration file of the webserver like http.conf in the case of apache, open source, possible ssl-encryption, basement upon the standard query database language (SQL), multiple input data protection, multiple login from the same IP protection, site-lock, timeouts for each user, views, protocol of false logins with or without e-mail alarm, optional IP-registration from all called sides, optional ip registration of login and logouts by date and time as much as changes upon the records, up to three restricted login attempts by default, JavaScript input-check, integrable JS form-check for direct help support, reset after any kind of emergencies without data-loss, configurable passwords the department, fields with designation of the actual overworking officer by name and IP, easy colored grouping of fields and basic operations, database backup on every media like USB stick and other methods, consistency and exemption from redundancy
after national defaults
Scan-in and exchange data from and to every- and anywhere (if released); it could easily self-learn through (user-)information taken from scripts from any websites and forms, from scan-devices as much as from and to any other databases. If a search-engine like from above or the company-management-database is enhanced by belonging operations, such self-learning might complete. You just need to care for some operations for insert and update of records from resp. to the databases. In some cases even more read-operations have to be implemented
large support for searches and therefore also usable for to find any kind of data within the customer master
tested by project-management departments of national project managing teams
with a hugh customer master, that can be used for explicit inquiries as much as an address book
secured by prototyped session login, side-lock, timeout and views
easy installation and without any costs for licenses and training by an everlasting character almost update-free, around 500 KB ZIP only
everlasting character, almost update-free
promising: arbitrary view and system-protected, structured by user and/or department expandability to integrated building protection by cameras, satellite communication, control and regulation of the production and production line as well as measurement and evaluation of market is-should and actual plan data on basis of the interests as well as for rapid reaction to past, current and future market tendencies and trends almost through simple links and hyperlinks with basement upon PHP, PHP exec() and system() as much as hyperlinking-concept for cgi-bin
execution of all kind of foreign software resp. commands and system commands through the PHP command-interface and cgi-scripts
with stamping seeds bars, circle and pie diagrams, which can be added into arbitrary places
in english and german
departments |
customer master |
menu finance |
sales department with intergrated editor-component |
double financial accounting |
table project overview |
column-diagram balances-groups
cake-diagram balances-groups |
HTML-printout for order
In April 2008 the gep Essen mbh for international partnership with underdeveloped countries noticed some redundancy in the documents and forms in the department of their project management. gep-Essen itself is certified by DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. Gooken managed to transform the resulting project management database into a company management database in 2009
2008: db Project Management, 2009: db Company Management, everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2009 by Gooken
Contact and Resources
... while organizations can be bound together not only by messages over fast e-mail-transfer (see formmailer), but also by a common SQL through PHP (PHP-MySQL) based database for contacts and resources
Concentration can take place on the attached or in the group standing companies and organizations only
with term combination
protection against flood of not searched results
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2008 by Gooken
Linfw3 - a native firewall
native design - high transparency - easy and detailed configuration
referential character, like Klean written in UNIX-SH (OS-mother UNIX) in transparent code without code darkening
for all kind of interfaces (analog and DSL-Modem ppp, ISDN ippp, Ethernet eth, ...)
around 300 KB ZIP only
scientific FW in concept, iptables-based, ICSA-certified rules
interactive, simple configuration by the kernel and "firewall-gui" dialog
Dialog menu: The configuration part is structured into three, all significant values configuring sections: NON-YES/NO-values NYN, YES/NO-values YN and kernel-parameters. In mode transparent, more values and rules by default based upon iptables can be edited by pico resp. nano
menu-items can be added and deleted. Instead of this notice, that Linfw3 is almost preconfigured
explicit help during configuration
sectorial debug
modification and enhancement from a comfort, secure standard up to anyone you like
a most comfortable block against ALL HACKER, HACKER-REQUESTS A N D ALL (!) TROJANSin a good understandable way on INPUT (client/server) by beams with NEW and state NEW,OUTPUT, details see points from homepage
reliable PID-agent especially for kernel greater than 2.6.12
indication of the estimated FW-Security-Level reached
fast checks of different iptables-modules of an iptables-version depending on the kernel
optional, detailed protocoling of each intrusion-attempt in possible limitation
increase of the bandwidth up to a maximum, higher than many other FW
stable connection because of extended TCP- and kernel-flag-filter
with CONNection LIMITation and XOR-package-encryption, RECENT to trap single IP by certain (trap-) ports on INPUT and FORWARD
configurable QUOTA and CONNBYTES for volume-tariffs resp. restriction of downloads,optional usage of TARPIT instead of DROP
continuous traffic-observation within mini-window /dev/pts resp. by kwatch onto the system-log /var/log/messages (log-level emerg(ancy) only)
optional Internet-Telephony with easy activation and deactivation
Linfw3 is all ever expected from a reliable, effective firewall
main menu |
configuration with GUI-Dialog in three steps
kernel-parameter |
mode transparent
estimation of the fw-security-level |
details of the security-level |
rules-activation - a) direct |
rulse-activation - b) by debug |
rules-activation - c) during system-startup by linfwd
connection tracking |
protocol-port-list |
statistics |
modification |
2004: (... it was like you and me writing a firewall), 2005: ASF3 and since 2006: Linfw3
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2004-2009 by Gooken , last quality check passed: 06.12.2013
Formmailer, Forms with Email-Attachments
Your visitors are enabled to send e-mails with or without attachments out of your forms directly to your address
This formmailer behaves almost anonymous, although modifyable easily by that point. IP, recipient, sender (FROM), Reply-To (RE:), X-Mailer, Message-ID, X-Sender-IP and the Message-ID are exchanged. A password (key, password) can (but must not) be configured and stored freely and secure onto most protected cgi-bin(-server) for password, open connection, reset of the login-data
Attachments can be sent on all typical file-types for attachments like pdf, txt, zip, jpg ....,easy enhanceable to any file-types
The code can be integrated into all forms with e-mail-function with or without attachments and keys
Signatures and more permanent details can always be appended through simple echo-comands
excludable password-protection
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2008 by Gooken
easy to install and refineable SQL through PHP (PHP-MySQL) with all functions and attributes of a website-index like backgrounds, images, text-colors, lines, information-exchange by e-mail and so on
secure cgi-bin based password-protection for password, open connection, reset of the login-data
optional with file-upload (e.g. photos for guestbooks with photos)
optional protection against anonym entities
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2006 by Gooken
Rent accountings
Store rent accountings within SQL through PHP (PHP-MySQL)-databases, edit and print them out
... even if the query for a book (or any media) might sound never heart curiously and strange..., Library-Master finds it!
without any license-fees and training-costs
SQL through PHP (PHP-MySQL) mysqli-API based, complete library management in English and German in around 100 KB ZIP (60 KB rpm only) with all security functions of Mycompanies company-management (cgi-bin-server resp. adequate directory cgi-bin for password, open connection, reset of the login-data
SQL: standard database query language, low search times (< 1 or 2 sec. for a quit infinite amount of records only), standard interface for integration into anywhere, high popularity
for literature, video-, audio-DVD/CD or anything else, even on distributed libraries resp. library databases
typical library functions: enter, edit, delete, print, list, mail (E-Mail), search within fields (like keyword search, search within the short-descriptions), free search within all fields, collect, list collected, ...
local on localhost (resp., LAN or Intranet and/or WAN (Internet)
same requirements as see company management database
optional customer master for the case of borrowed books with reminder; a good cooperation between linking cares for fast jumps from the library (media or books) to and fro belonging customers from customer master
encountering of each borrowed media
unlimited fields and records without any redundancy
Records once stored nearby serve for new ones with similar content
listings of the hits for books (media) and customers, especially books (media) borrowing customers
move forward and back from such listings with the essential information and all stored details
easy to manage - detailed results
main menu: counter and reminder of the last modifications like from operations for adding, editing and deleting
easy bespoke tailering according to any requirements and layouts, ready for all technical components
usability of browser-functions
For fields you like it is again possible to integrate more text- and print-operations by php-editors like Fckedit (see Mycompanies)
all essential protecting security mechanism of Mycompanies
easy extensiblity: like for the automatic input of new media read in by scanner through common PHP-file-operation, index-lists, ...
login |
main menu
opening |
adjustments |
new entry
search for books or media |
field-correction |
free search
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2010 by Gooken
Address book
simple extraction from the customer master out of the company management database in the already named prejunction,
security and detail
everlasting since computer might run secure, ©2008, 2010 by Gooken
websites, all kind of SQL through PHP (PHP-MySQL) databases and forms for your online-business (PHP, Javascript), optionally by CMS Joomla
beneath the listed databases for companies, libraries, contacts and resources, forms, online-shops, contact-markets, webcataloges- and directories (as introduced under Gooken), link- and banner-exchange, chatrooms, online-enrollment, all kind of libraries, websites and search engines resp. webdirectories, ... you can order all kind of databases and design of websites, dynamic websites with or without Javascript, PHP-MySQL databases for e-shops, forms, search engines, ...
... order in general or special form from here
everlasting since ©2008 by Gooken
Downloads for 10 Euro incl. dialog, pico (or nano) for Linfw3, wipe for Klean and Fckeditor for Mycompanies, please deactivate your proxies
Linfw3 and Klean are for all 32/64-bit-CPU (only for rename-manager you have to compile all c-Sources out of the SRC-package`s or tar-Archive by typing "gcc inputfilename.c -o inputfilename" on a konsole before copying them to a executable directory like /usr/bin). They were tested on different environments. For the databases freeware xampp consisting of apache webserver, PHP, SQL and PHP-MySQL is recommended.
to the downloads
Do you have any critics or improvements for the products/article above? Please mailto:Gooken
Since Computer might run secure, © Gooken , Germany,
all rights reserved. Publication, duplication and transmission and any use for training without explicit permission by Gooken is not allowed and will be prosecuted. Gooken guarantees originality and functionality of all text, pdf, programs, scripts and code by author, address see below. All text, sides, pdf and downloadable programs and SQL-databases, Linfw3, Klean, Rename-Manager, JavaScript InputCheck, download-counter (anti-hijack), formmailer, guestbook, search-engine like Gooken and patch extractrename.vbs file by file made by ©
Andreas Stöwing
Bundesstr. 14
24943 Flensburg
Tel. +49 177 1415131, also for contact with messengers like Signal and WhatsApp (please notice, that wie only accept calls with indicated telephone numbers!)
Spende an:
IBAN: mailto: andreas-stoewing@web.de
mailto:info@gooken.de Please notice, that we only do answer encrypted and signed E-mail. For this, the key can be obtained out of the left menu, item "pgp-key".
(except PHP pie chart by Rasmus, dk). Please spend 10 Euro for the downloads by using ourorder form.
Against identity theft, please notice, that listed is not signed into an account on Facebook, Twitter or Yasni!
I, Andreas Stöwing, does not allow to possess or contribute any data like images, videos or text writings about my person!
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or contact us: You can buy the complete rights of Gooken (over all websides and products) to become its owner for some septrillions per agreement, more details with "News&Links" from left menu!
100% discretion
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You can support Gooken for the manufacturing of the (consistent) IT-security-standard. For our correspondent, please click here!
Gooken on pluspedia
Gooken on pluspedia
Mycompanies (PHP-MySQL company management) on marjorie-wiki
Linfw3 on pluspedia
Bibliomaster (Library-Master) on marjorie-wiki